Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Spew or not to Spew....

I was driving around with one of my friend's last night talking about my lack of blogging skills and she used a term that is exactly what I am trying to avoid.

Emotional vomit.

It's not a very pretty phrase, but it is exactly what I am going to try and avoid in my blogging. I tend to be a deep thinker and I figured that I would avoid trying to scare anyone who reads these away by not writing that way very often. Although, I still don't quite understand why anyone is going to want to read these. That is something that I am going to have to work on I guess, either my writing skills or understanding that some people just don't have anything better to do than read my random incoherent thoughts.

Back to emotional vomit....

I think that anyone who hears those words can put a picture in their head. I want people to enjoy my perspective not walk away thinking that I unloaded on them. Too many thoughts can just be depressing and I am trying to work on being an optimist. Because of the emerging optimist, I will try not to emotionally vomit too often.

I thought I would finally say what I am planning on writing in these blogs. The title kind of tells all I think. Just to clarify for anyone who needs it.

Life- everyone has one. I just thought I would share mine with you so you can see a bit through my journey through it.

Thoughts- this will probably be my rants and emotional vomit category.

Photography- I thought I could share my thoughts and stories of trying to become a photographer/artist. By this I mean, moments of what I am doing, stories and people that have inspired me, and anything else that pertains.

Lastly, I will share some of my work on the site.

I realize that this should have been two blogs instead of one but, oh well. That is why I am practicing. And so it begins...

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